Trainning and Placement

Radheesh Gopalan
Mobile : 9085078742

Education empas a person to earn his livelihood and we are committed to provide immedi m ployment for our Students after completing their formal education from Tengakhat College. We realize the need of the hour, that is job for every hand and under the Trainng & Placement Cell we cardinale all training and placement activities under a single window. For the benefit of our students we are conducting regular career counting for job asprants and provide them 24x7 training placement as stand by cur weil siled tacties in the past few years we have motivated our students to apply for both government and private sector jobs and some of them are succes in their attempt and now they are serving a s stabishments with attractive salary package. We have created a single window system for online appications and nternet services in Training & Placement cel and hundreds of Mudents havn vind the facility with the fans for online application and further information Our Yaing and parament en is in close Wouch with various pole employers and the result is our students dont wave to wait for after completing their course from our college if they wish Since 2016 Training & Placement el is loaded by Shri.Racesh Goplanas Director who have a wide network of placement services and 7 years experience of Car and placement councing


The vision of the institution is to achieve excellence in Higher Education, empowerment through knowledge, inclusive Growth for Socio-Economic Change and sustainable development in the global contrast.

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Tengakhat College
30 KM east from Dibrugarh Town
Tengakhat, Assam 786103



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